Perfusion NewswireBlood ManagementThromboelastographic Assessment of the Effect of Temperature on Global Coagulation: A Pilot Study (Video)Thromboelastographic Assessment of the Effect of Temperature on Global Coagulation: A Pilot Study (Video)Epic StaffingBlood Management, Main Zone, Multimedia Zone
Blood Management, Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Perfusion Zone Thromboelastographic Reference Ranges for a Cirrhotic Patient Population Undergoing Liver Transplantation This study describes the thromboelastography (TEG) "reference" values within a population of liver transplant (LT) candidates that underline the differences from healthy patients.
Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Perfusion Devices, Perfusion Zone Prolonged Duration ECMO for ARDS: Futility, Native Lung Recovery, or Transplantation? We recommend redefining irreversible lung injury and futility in ECMO.
Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Perfusion Zone Fast-Implantable’ Aortic Valve Implantation and Concomitant Mitral Procedures Concomitant aortic and mitral valve replacement or concomitant aortic valve replacement and mitral repair can be a challenge for the cardiac surgeon