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Heparin Resistance — Clinical Perspectives and Management Strategies
Heparin resistance is suspected when more heparin than usual is needed to achieve a therapeutic range of activated partial-thromboplastin time. Management may include increasing the heparin dose, supplementing antithrombin III levels, and using direct thrombin inhibitors.
Arterial Complications in Patients Undergoing Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation via Femoral Cannulation
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the incidence of peripheral vascular complications in this group of patients and outline the modalities used for treatment.
Veno-Venous ECMO Support with Biventricular VAD Implantation (EP Video)
Mohammed discusses and pateint on veno-Venous ECMO support with biventricular VAD implantation (25:18 minutes).