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Modified Ultrafiltration Reduces Postoperative Blood Loss and Transfusions in Adult Cardiac Surgery: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
MUF is a safe and feasible option in adult cardiac patients, with significant benefits including improved postoperative haematocrit, as well as reduced postoperative chest tube bleeding, transfusion requirements and duration of ICU stay.
Cardioplegia Round Table Discussion: Custodial (EP Video)
Jorge Molina discusses his vast experience with Cursidial cardioplegia (4:24 minutes).
Bone Formation in the Maxillary Sinus by Using Platelet-Rich Plasma: An Experimental Study in Sheep
The purpose of this study was to quantitatively evaluate the ability of PRP to enhance bone regeneration in the maxillary sinus of sheep when combined with demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft (DFDBA) and cortical cancellous freeze-dried bone allograft (CCFDBA).