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Prevention of Cardiac Surgery–Associated Acute Kidney Injury by Implementing the KDIGO Guidelines in High-Risk Patients Identified by Biomarkers: The PrevAKI-Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial
Implementation of a KDIGO-derived treatment bundle is feasible in a multinational setting. Furthermore, moderate to severe AKI was significantly reduced in the intervention group.
Temperature Monitoring During Cardiopulmonary Bypass-Do We Undercool or Overheat the Brain?
Objective: Brain cooling is an essential component of aortic surgery requiring circulatory arrest and inadequate cooling may lead to brain injury. Similarly, […]
Systemic Hypertension Associated with Venovenous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Pediatric Respiratory Failure
Improved insight into the etiology of HTN associated with pediatric VV ECMO, including evaluation of the renin-angiotensin system, would help guide therapy.