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Fresh Blood for Transfusion: How Old is Too Old for Red Blood Cell Units?
Available evidence currently precludes any firm conclusion, as to whether the transfusion of fresher red blood cell (RBC) units has advantages over older RBC units with regard to clinical outcome, including morbidity or mortality.
American Society of ExtraCorporeal Technology: Development of Standards and Guidelines for Pediatric and Congenital Perfusion Practice (2019)
The Standards and Guidelines for Pediatric and Congenital Perfusion Practice is an essential tool for pediatric perfusionists and serves as the backbone for institutionally based protocols, promotes improved decision-making, and identifies opportunities for future research and collaboration with other disciplines.
Magnetic Levitation Pump Versus Constrained Vortex Pump: A Pilot Study on the Hemolysis Effect During Minimal Invasive Extracorporeal Circulation
Our pilot study suggests that the use of magnetically levitated centrifugal pumps for extracorporeal circulation support is associated with a lower risk of hemolysis, though larger studies are warranted to confirm our results.