The Physiology of Oxygen Transport by the Cardiovascular System: Evolution of Knowledge

The heart, vascular system, and red blood cells play fundamental roles in O2 transport. The fascinating research history that led to the current understanding of the physiology of O2 transport began in ancient Egypt in 3000 BC, when it was postulated that the heart was a pump serving a system of distributing vessels. Over 4 millennia elapsed before William Harvey (1578-1657) made the revolutionary discovery of blood circulation, but it was not until the 20th century that a lucid and integrative picture of O2 transport finally emerged. This review describes major research achievements contributing to this evolution of knowledge. These achievements include the discovery of the systemic and pulmonary circulations, hemoglobin within red blood cells and its ability to bind O2, and diffusion of O2 from the capillary as the final step in its delivery to tissue. The authors also describe the classic studies that provided the initial description of the basic regulatory mechanisms governing heart function (Frank-Starling law) and the flow of blood through blood vessels (Poiseuille’s law). The importance of technical advances, such as the pulmonary artery catheter, the blood gas analyzer and oximeter, and the radioactive microsphere technique to measure the regional blood flow in facilitating O2 transport-related research, is recognized. The authors describe how religious and cultural constraints, as well as superstition-based medical traditions, at times impeded experimentation and the acquisition of knowledge related to O2 transport.