Perfusion NewswireBlood ManagementThe Inflammatory Response to CPB: What is it and What Can We Do About it? (EP Video)The Inflammatory Response to CPB: What is it and What Can We Do About it? (EP Video)Epic StaffingBlood Management, Main Zone, Multimedia Zone, Perfusion Zone
Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Perfusion Zone Five-Year Experience With Mini-Volume Priming in Infants ≤5 kg: Safety of Significantly Smaller Transfusion Volumes We recommend the use of mini-volume priming,
ECMO Zone, Education Zone, Main Zone, Multimedia Zone, Perfusion Zone ECMO for COVID19 in Japan Current situation of ECMO use in Japan for COVID-19 associated ARDS: second ELSO webinar focused on the use of ECLS during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemics, run on March 30th.
Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Multimedia Zone, Perfusion Zone Living with the Heartmate 2: A VAD Patient’s Personal Experience (EP Video) Reiss Tatum, a current Thoratec Heartmate 2 patient, discusses his life with a long-term implanted VAD (35:18 minutes).