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Quick Reference: Oxygenator Change Out During CPB
Oxygenator Change Out During CPB
High-Flow Therapy by Nasal Cannulae Versus High-Flow Face Mask in Severe Hypoxemia After Cardiac Surgery: A Single-Center Randomized Controlled Study—The HEART FLOW Study
To determine whether high-flow oxygen therapy by nasal cannulae (HFNC) is more effective than a high-flow face mask (HFFM) in severe hypoxemia.
Ministernotomy Versus Conventional Sternotomy for Aortic Valve Replacement: Matched Propensity Score Analysis of 808 Patients
This study aimed to perform a risk-adjusted comparison of mortality, rate of stroke and perioperative morbidity of aortic valve replacement (AVR) conducted through either partial mini-sternotomy or conventional sternotomy.