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Continuous Monitoring of Cerebral Autoregulation in Children Supported by Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: A Pilot Study
CA assessment is feasible in pediatric ECMO. The first 24 h following ECMO represents the most critical period regarding CA. Impaired autoregulation is significantly more severe among patients who experience ANE.
Platelet Dysfunction as Measured by a Point-of-Care Monitor is an Independent Predictor of High Blood Loss in Cardiac Surgery
Excessive bleeding carries a heavy burden of illness in cardiac surgery. Although platelet dysfunction is considered to be an important cause, it is not routinely measured. Our objective was to explore the relationship between platelet dysfunction and blood loss in cardiac surgery.
The Children’s Hospital Boston Non-Routine Event Reporting Program
This paper describes the program which we developed to track perfusion NREs within the Cardiovascular Program at Children’s Hospital, Boston. NREs are categorized by type (technique, equipment, or patient-related) and bypass period (pre-cardiopulmonary bypass, bypass, or post-cardiopulmonary).