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Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest and Global Reperfusion Injury: Avoidance by Making a Pump Prime Reperfusate
Objective: We sought to determine whether damage after deep hypothermic circulatory arrest can be diminished by changing pump prime components when reinstituting […]
Normoxia vs. Hyperoxia: Impact of Oxygen Tension Strategies on Outcomes for Patients Receiving Cardiopulmonary Bypass for Routine Cardiac Surgical Repair
The objective of this study was to determine if a hyperoxic strategy can lead to equally beneficial outcomes for short-term support as measured by total ventilator time and total length of stay in intensive care unit (ICU) in the cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) patient at a private institution.
Perfusion Art: “Left Atrial Myxoma”
“Left Atrial Myxoma” _______________________Click image to enlarge Photographer: Manoj Sharma Equipment: Digital Editing: Photoshop: Cropping: Hue & Contrast adjustments: Watercolor filter. Narrative: […]