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Influence of Platelet-Rich Plasma Added to Xenogeneic Bone Grafts in Periimplant Defects: A Vital Fluorescence Study in Dogs
The goal of this study was to investigate whether the addition of PRP to xenogeneic bone grafts would increase the rate of bone formation in dogs.
Managing Massive Transfusion Protocol During Cardiopulmonary Bypass in the Setting of Penetrating Traumatic Injury
Ultimately, randomized multicenter trials are needed to further address optimal ratios of blood product transfusion during MTP in trauma patients on CPB.
Optimizing Donor Heart Outcome After Prolonged Storage With Endothelial Function Analysis and Continuous Perfusion
Better systolic function despite 16 hours' more preservation than cold storage corroborates the idea that CP supports aerobic metabolism at physiologically important levels.