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Lumped Parameter Model for Heart Failure with Novel Regulating Mechanisms of Peripheral Resistance and Vascular Compliance
To research the change in the physiological mechanism between the heart failure (HF) patient and healthy persons, the physiology parameters, which include the myocardial contractility, systemic vascular resistance (SVR), and vascular compliance, were studied
Case Report and Review of Literature: Late Retrograde Type A Aortic Dissection With Rupture after Repair of Type B Aortic Dissection with a GORE TAG Endovascular Prosthesis
Acute aortic dissection is the most common catastrophic condition of the aorta. Treatment options include open surgery and thoracic endovascular aortic reconstruction (TEVAR). We present a late Type A dissection as a complication of the management of descending aortic dissections with TEVAR and a review of the literature.
Perfusion Techniques Toward Bloodless Pediatric Open Heart Surgery
There continues to be evidence regarding the negative impact of blood transfusion on morbidity and mortality in the adult literature, including infection risk, increased hospital and intensive care length of stay, and costs.