STS 2.73 : Cancelled Cases
The Great Migration to v 2.73 :
(New STS Fields)
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The following post describes the new fields that are identified as new data collection points in the STS v. 2.73 Adult Cardiac Database.
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Case cancellations are often missed in STS data collection. Aside from an early lunch, they represent a Quality issue for cardiac programs.
A lot of fields and paper space taken up to ascertain whether or not there was a cancelled operation during the patient’s stay, and the mitigating factors surrounding it.
A little boring, but data points nevertheless for situations that arise once in a blue moon (2 Full Moons in a calendar month).
Cancelled Cases
Indicate whether this case was previously attempted during this admission and canceled or aborted after patient entered the operating room.
Example# 1:
A patient comes to the O.R. for a CABG; during line insertion the carotid artery is inadvertently accessed. The case is postponed a few days to allow the puncture to heal prior to heparinization. No DCF is completed for that trip to the O.R. but the event is captured here (2415-2423) when the patient returns to have the scheduled surgery a few days later during the same hospital admission.
Answer: Yes
Example #2:
A patient comes to the O.R for a valve replacement, during the time out, it is discovered that the device needed is not available. The patient is discharged and readmitted 2 days later. This patient will have 2 DCFs, the first will capture the first admission canceled case data in fields 2424-2431, and the second DCF (the second admission) will capture the valve replacement.
Answer: No
Enter date previously attempted case was canceled.
Date must be during this hospital admission.
Indicate at what point previously attempted case was canceled or aborted.
- Prior to Induction of Anesthesia
- After Induction, Prior to Incision
- After Incision Made
Indicate the reason why the previously attempted case was canceled or aborted.
- -Anesthesiology event: Includes airway, line insertion and medication issues encountered during induction
- -Cardiac arrest: Patient deterioration unrelated to induction
- -Equipment/supply issue: Device malfunction or supply issue including devices and blood products needed for surgery but not available
- -Unanticipated tumor
- -Other
Indicate whether the plan for the previously attempted procedure included coronary artery bypass grafting.
Indicate whether the plan for the previously attempted procedure included a valve repair or replacement.
Indicate whether the plan for the previously attempted procedure included implanting or explanting a mechanical assist device.
Indicate whether the plan for the previously attempted procedure included any other cardiac procedure.
Indicate whether the plan for the previously attempted procedure included any other non-cardiac procedure
Indicate at what point the current case was canceled or aborted.
- -Prior to Induction of Anesthesia
- -After Induction, Prior to Incision
- -After Incision Made
Indicate the reason why the current case was canceled or aborted.
- -Anesthesiology event: Includes airway, line insertion and medication issues encountered during induction
- -Cardiac arrest: Patient deterioration unrelated to induction
- -Equipment/supply issue: Device malfunction or supply issue including devices and blood products needed for surgery but not available
- -Unanticipated tumor
- -Other
Indicate whether the plan for the current procedure included coronary artery bypass grafting.
The intent is to capture the scheduled procedure.
- CCancCaseVal
- CCancCaseMech
- CCancCaseOC
- CCancCaseONC