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Persistent Cognitive Deficits and Neuroinflammation In A Rat Model of Cardiopulmonary Bypass
By using an established rat model of CPB that does not display neuronal loss, we examined behavioral and structural effects of CPB at 6 months postsurgery. Persistent deficits in performance on a complex behavioral task and sustained activation of macrophages/microglia were observed with no evidence of neuronal loss.
The Association Between Surgical Indications, Operative Risk and Clinical Outcome in Infective Endocarditis: A Prospective Study From the International Collaboration on Endocarditis
The International Collaboration on Endocarditis-PLUS (ICE-PLUS) is a prospective cohort of consecutively enrolled patients with definite IE from 29 centers in 16 countries.
Coagulation Cascade (V.1)
Intrinsic Pathway The coagulation cascade is initiated when blood becomes traumatized by exposure to a foreign surface. An example of this […]