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Displacement of the heart using either a deep pericardial suture technique or a vacuum-assisted apical suction device caused a significant decrease in SVI. The hemodynamic changes during OM grafting were smaller when using a vacuum-assisted apical suction device.
Systematic Review Protocol: Single-Dose Histidine-Tryptophan-Ketoglutarate vs. Intermittent Crystalloid or Blood Cardioplegia
The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to assess the efficacy and safety of HTK compared with conventional crystalloid or blood cardioplegic solutions.
Does Clopidogrel Increase Blood Loss Following Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
Clopidogrel within 4 days of coronary bypass surgery is associated with increased blood losses and reoperation for bleeding and, according to multivariable models, is an independent risk factor for increased transfusion requirements and prolonged ICU and hospital length of stay.