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The Influence of Sampling Technique on ACT Plus ® Results
The manufacturer of the ACT Plus Automated Coagulation Timer, Medtronic Inc., recommends that test cartridges be prewarmed and the activating reagent resuspended (tapped/ mixed) before patient testing.
Perfusion Art: “Angels of Mercy”
“Angels of Mercy” Photographer: Frank Aprile. BBA, LP, CCP Equipment: I-phone 6s PLUS Editing: Photoshop Narrative: A medevac helicopter– waiting for the next call… Time […]
Mild AKI Is Associated with Mortality of Patients Who Underwent Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgery
AKI stage I is the most common form of AKI and it is independently related to all-cause mortality in patients who underwent cardiovascular surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass.