Sodium Abnormalities in Cardiac Surgery With Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Adults: A Narrative Review

Perioperative sodium abnormalities or dysnatremia is not uncommon in patients presenting for cardiac surgery and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Both the disease process of heart failure and its treatment may contribute to abnormalities in serum sodium concentration. Serum sodium is the main determinant of serum osmolality, which in turn affects cell volume. Brain cells are particularly vulnerable to changes in serum osmolality because of the nondistensible cranium. The potentially catastrophic neurologic sequelae of rapidly correcting chronic dysnatremia and the time-sensitive nature of cardiac surgery can make the management of these patients challenging. The use of cardiopulmonary bypass to facilitate surgery adds another layer of complexity in the intraoperative management of sodium and water balance. This narrative review examines the definition and classification of dysnatremia. It also covers the etiology and pathophysiology of dysnatremia, implications during cardiac surgery requiring cardiopulmonary bypass, and the perioperative management of dysnatremia.