Saturday Morning Brunch XI

Saturday Morning Brunch
(2nd Weekend of June)
(To see all the of the Saturday Morning Brunch series click here.)
Substance Overrules Form …
You know what has been great about this blog?
It’s Pure…
(You get to look at totally irrelevant but very cool pictures like these)
It’s here for one reason and one reason only…
That reason is us.
- That reason is those of us that don’t belong to larger organizations, or don’t live in the U.S.
- That reason is for those of us that don’t have internet libraries at their fingertips.
- That reason is for having the ability to be able to participate because of the common thread that is our profession- as opposed to logging in and being “approved”.
- That reason is because it’s the 2nd decade of the 21st century, not the last decade of the 20th.
- That reason is the same as why we don’t use a telegraph hand set anymore.
- That reason is so you don’t have to wait a week for the answer to a question that needed a response yesterday.
- That reason is so that you can comment instantly, spontaneously, uncited, and unmoderated.
- That reason is because Politics really don’t mean a thing- when we are actually doing what we were trained to do…
There shouldn’t have to be a list of requirements in order to “gain entrance” here.
I figure if we are capable enough to conduct bypass (a litmus test on it’s own merit), well that acid test was “passed” the second you came off bypass successfully this morning.
No moderation required. No “Big Brother” in attendance today 🙂
Anyway- here’s to keeping it clean,
and here’s to keeping it great !
Thanks for coming by. Join the conversation if you’d like …