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Prone Positioning in Postoperative Cardiac Surgery Patients: A Narrative Review
The aim of this article is to provide an overview of available literature, which seems to suggest the efficacy of prone positioning, and to make an in-depth analysis of the studies on this topic by evaluating the efficacy of this maneuver on hard endpoints.
Lumped Parameter Model for Heart Failure with Novel Regulating Mechanisms of Peripheral Resistance and Vascular Compliance
To research the change in the physiological mechanism between the heart failure (HF) patient and healthy persons, the physiology parameters, which include the myocardial contractility, systemic vascular resistance (SVR), and vascular compliance, were studied
Fraction of Expired Oxygen: An Additional Safety Approach to Monitor Oxygen Delivery to the Heart Lung Machine Oxygenator
Monitoring the FEO2 is a more reliable way to verify O2 delivery to an oxygenator. An alarm can be set on the FEO2 monitor to alert the perfusionist if the FEO2 falls below a predetermined threshold so any issue with O2 delivery will always be recognized.