Safety and Effectiveness of Del Nido Cardioplegia in Comparison to Blood-Based St. Thomas Cardioplegia in Congenital Heart Surgeries: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Study

To compare the safety and effectiveness of del Nido cardioplegia with blood-based St Thomas Hospital (BSTH) cardioplegia in myocardial protection in congenital heart surgery.
It is a prospective, open-labeled, randomized controlled study conducted at National Heart Institute, Kuala Lumpur from July 2018 to July 2019. All patients with simple and complex congenital heart diseases (CHD) with good left ventricular function (left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF] >50%) were included while those with LVEF <50% were excluded. A total of 100 patients were randomized into two groups of 50 each receiving either del Nido or BSTH cardioplegia. Primary end points were the spontaneous return of activity following aortic cross-clamp release and ventricular function between two groups. Secondary end point was myocardial injury as assessed by troponin T levels.
Cardiopulmonary bypass and aortic cross-clamp time, return of spontaneous cardiac activity following the aortic cross-clamp release, the duration of mechanical ventilation, and intensive care unit stay were comparable between two groups. Statistically significant difference was seen in the amount and number of cardioplegia doses delivered (P < .001). The hemodilution was significantly less in the del Nido complex CHD group compared to BSTH cardioplegia (P = .001) but no difference in blood usage (P = .36). The myocardial injury was lesser (lower troponin T release) with del Nido compared to BSTH cardioplegia (P = .6).
Our study showed that both del Nido and BSTH cardioplegia are comparable in terms of myocardial protection. However, single, less frequent, and lesser volume of del Nido cardioplegia makes it more suitable for complex repair.