Perfusion NewswireBlood ManagementRole of Cytokines in Cardiopulmonary Bypass-Induced Ventricular Dysfunction in a Porcine Model (EP Video)Role of Cytokines in Cardiopulmonary Bypass-Induced Ventricular Dysfunction in a Porcine Model (EP Video)Epic StaffingBlood Management, Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Multimedia Zone, Perfusion Zone
Blood Management, Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Perfusion Zone Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Oxidative Stress Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is associated with the activation of different coagulation, proinflammatory, survival cascades and altered redox state.
Circuit Surfers, Education, Perfusion Career Letters From Saudi Arabia: Plz Recommend a Perfusion Program Editor’s Note: Hi Guys, I got this letter from a graduating nursing student from Saudi Arabia. If you have any suggestions for […]
Perfusion Devices, Perfusion Zone, Tiny Perfusion Letter Influence of A Cell Salvage Washing System and Leukocyte Reduction Filtration on Bacterial Contamination of Canine Whole Blood Ex Vivo. Cell salvage washing combined with leukoreduction filtration eliminated bacterial contamination of whole dog blood (P < .0001).