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Risk Factors for an Elective or Emergency Oxygenator Exchange 

oxygenator exchange

One of the most frequent technical issues with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) persists despite systemic anticoagulation and antithrombotic surface coating: oxygenator malfunction. Several parameters have been linked to oxygenator exchanges, but there are no published recommendations for when to carry one out. Complications can arise during an exchange, especially during an emergency exchange. As a result, there is a fine line between oxygenator malfunction and oxygenator replacement. Finding risk factors and predictors for both elective and emergency oxygenator exchanges was the goal of this study.

All adult patients receiving veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (V-V ECMO) were included in this observational associate study. It contrasted the characteristics of patients who endured oxygenator exchanges with those who did not, as well as between elective and emergency exchanges, which are both defined as exchanges performed outside of the doctor’s office.

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