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Association Between Intraoperative Hyperoxia and Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery: A Retrospective Observational Study
Intraoperative hyperoxia significantly was associated with the risk of AKI after cardiac surgery involving cardiopulmonary bypass.
American Society of ExtraCorporeal Technology: Development of Standards and Guidelines for Pediatric and Congenital Perfusion Practice (2019)
The Standards and Guidelines for Pediatric and Congenital Perfusion Practice is an essential tool for pediatric perfusionists and serves as the backbone for institutionally based protocols, promotes improved decision-making, and identifies opportunities for future research and collaboration with other disciplines.
TEG-guided Resuscitation is Superior to Standardized MTP Resuscitation in Massively Transfused Penetrating Trauma Patients
In this study we hypothesized that TEG-directed resuscitation is equivalent to massive transfusion protocol resuscitation.