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Early Experience and Results of Bone Graft Enriched With Autologous Platelet Gel for Recalcitrant Nonunions of Lower Extremity
The goal of this study was to assess the feasibility and outcome of surgical treatment in recalcitrant nonunions of a lower extremity with bone graft enriched with autologous platelet gel (APG).
Platelet Gel in Cutaneous Radiation Dermatitis
Numerous studies and clinical findings have demonstrated that topical, non-transfusional plasma-rich platelet gel is able to accelerate the regeneration and repair of tissues through the action of the various growth factors contained within the alpha granules of platelets. This study evaluates the efficacy of autologous platelet gel, chosen for its limited cost and ease of preparation, in chronic cutaneous radiation dermatitis.
Levosimendan in Veno-Arterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenator Supported Patients: Impact on the Success of Weaning and Survival
Levosimendan can be safely administered during VA‐ECMO support. Patients receiving levosimendan were weaned similarly from circulatory support despite worse LVEF. Its use did not influence in short and medium term survival.