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Transfusing Platelets During Bypass Rewarming in Neonates Improves Postoperative Outcomes: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Platelet transfusion during the rewarming phase of neonatal cardiac surgery was associated with reduced bleeding and improved postoperative outcomes, compared to platelets given after coming off bypass.
Assessing Efficacy of CytoSorb Haemoadsorber for Prevention of Organ Dysfunction in Cardiac Surgery Patients with Infective Endocarditis: REMOVE-Protocol for Randomised Controlled Trial
The REMOVE study is an interventional randomised controlled multicenter trial with a group sequential (Pocock) design for assessing efficacy of CytoSorb in patients undergoing cardiac surgery for IE.
Mortality Lower With Off-Pump Bypass in Patients With Atheromatous Aortic Disease
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – For patients with coronary artery disease complicated by atheromatous aortic disease, the mortality is halved and neurologic […]