Perfusion NewswireBlood ManagementRecombinant Factor VII in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery (Video)Recombinant Factor VII in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery (Video)Epic StaffingBlood Management, Main Zone, Multimedia Zone, Perfusion Zone
Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Multimedia Zone, Perfusion Zone The 876 Hour ECMO Battle (EP Video) Dee Ann Griffin presents a case report on a patient on ECMO for an 876 hour period (18:14 minutes).
Circuit Surfers, Clinical Issues Red Sea Rising: Strategies to Improve Surgical Visualization Editor’s Note: This is a discussion on a very difficult case where anomalous venous return was overwhelming during a multi-valve repair / […]
Perfusion Zone, Tiny Perfusion Letter 21st Century Evidence: Randomized Controlled Trials Versus Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses In this foreword, we will review benefits and downsides of SRMAs and address the value of SRMAs in relation to RCTs and their respective roles in clinical decision-making.