Quality Improvement Project in Congenital Cardiothoracic Surgery Patients: Reducing Surgical Site Infections

Healthcare-associated infections are a major focus for quality improvement in hospitals today. Surgical site infections (SSIs), a postoperative complication in cardiac surgery, are associated with increased morbidity, mortality, hospital length of stay, and financial burden.
A recent increase in cardiothoracic surgery SSIs (CT-SSIs) at our institution instigated a multidisciplinary team to explore infection prevention, bundle element compliance, and to identify interventions to reduce the CT-SSI rate. Key interventions included preoperative screening and decolonization of methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant S. aureus with repeated intranasal applications of mupirocin, universal skin prep with chlorhexidine for all patients, and additional antibiotic dosing upon initiating cardiopulmonary bypass.
In 2014, the CT-SSI rate at our institution was 1.9/100 cases, which increased during the “intervention period” to 3.6 infections/100 cases in 2015 (16 total infections). Postinterventions, the CT-SSI rate decreased to 0.3 infections/100 cases (2 total infections), which was significantly lower than our baseline before the spike in infection rate.
A comprehensive interdisciplinary approach with multiple interventions was successful in significantly reducing the CT-SSI rate in cardiothoracic surgery at a tertiary care pediatric hospital.