Priming the Pump…

Author / Editor:
Anna Lou Villena, Eastern & Asian Editor:
International Perspectives & Cultural Analyst
Face Book: Anna Lou
Hi Frank!
This is OUR week– and thank you for this opportunity again to share my thoughts 🙂
Best regards,
“Priming the PUMP” in the Perfusion Arena
On a classical pattern of my life as a perfusionist, I am routinely “priming the pump” on a daily basis at least 5 times a week or even more. In the perfusion arena, we all have a colloquial understanding on “priming the pump” which means preparing, filling and de-airing the circuitry before bypass is initiated.
Surprisingly, the force of coincidence was just too vibrant that while reading Brené Brown’s “Rising Strong” book, she creatively use the phrase “priming the pump” in a different perspective, explaining how curiosity is induced and triggered when our own pump (self) is primed with knowledge, awareness, intriguing information and even persons in our lives who supply us enough knowledge about emotion to get curious. I bow deep with admiration in this author’s creativity in relaying her research studies by way of story-telling and her definition of curiosity as an act of vulnerability and courage.
In leeway, inspired by Ms. Brené ‘s “priming the pump” concept, I thought of steering the idea in the perfusion arena which is just in time as we celebrate “Perfusion Awareness Week”.
“PRIMING the PUMP” with Inquiry and KNOWLEDGE
The evolution of Cardiopulmonary bypass started with a spark of curiosity from our genius scientists and researchers way back 1940’s-1950’s. Today, we continue to nurture and improve CPB techniques by constantly doing research studies and annual conferences globally in order to respond to relevant inquiries that would further improve surgical outcome especially for complex procedures. Perfusionist, as one of the key players in the cardiac surgical team should always be adamant in grasping new ideas and knowledge from evidence-based studies supplied by various perfusion societies and researchers.
This Perfusion awareness week is not just a celebration for the evolution of perfusion science and recognition of our noble profession as perfusionists in the contribution of cardiopulmonary advancement, but above all, this is an optimum trajectory to refuel our passion by being grateful to our mentors in this field that we have chosen. This kind of profession is rooted with passion for without it, we may not have a clear purpose to save lives.
My reservoir of gratitude is overflowing, not just to my mentors and colleagues but also to all respected perfusionists all over the world, especially to Frank and the team in circuit surfers, whose passion for this profession has been so contagious that they were able to initiate perfusion blogs, forum and societies and effectively reached out to other perfusionists around the world. May you continue to inspire us, as pillars in this profession. Mabuhay!