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Treatment of Nonhealing Diabetic Lower Extremity Ulcers with Skin Graft and Autologous Platelet Gel: A Case Series
In this study, we have evaluated the safety and efficacy of the combination of autologous platelet gel (PG) and skin graft for treating large size recalcitrant ulcers.
The Great Ormond Street Hospital Immunoadsorption Method for ABO-Incompatible Heart Transplantation: a Practical Technique
We have subsequently used this technique in all children undergoing ABO-incompatible heart transplantation and become convinced of its efficacy in this population while observing no adverse effects. This article outlines the practical details required to perform the technique in order to avoid hyperacute rejection.
ABO Blood Group Influences Transfusion and Survival after Cardiac Surgery
Group AB favored improved long-term, postoperative survival