Please Take This Perfusion Poll

Knowing When to Drop In …
I decided it was only fair after almost 8 months, to see what impact this blog has had on visiting perfusionists / healthcare professionals.
I certainly don’t pretend to be an icon for perfusion publication, literature, or for that fact, the sharpest knife in the drawer. What I do know is that when it comes to perfusion, and my patient, I take that VERY seriously.
I do 120 or so hearts a year, so I consider myself pretty active in that department and am certainly not coaching from the sidelines.
I would like to let you know that I have been published in one medical text book and a few journals, so this isn’t a Midnight Cowboy yahoo kind of thing. I get the scientific process.
Anything new is controversial. And anything new is a first generation idea that will have countless iterations as it evolves and morphs to something better.
I know I have pushed a bit, and I’m sure some people don’t like this effort because of that fact, but sometimes you have to put yourself out there to start to make a difference.
I am asking for your help and suggestions for improvement. To make us all better.
As well- I cannot stress enough that this is a group effort.
- I need your articles-
- I need your stories–
- I need your perspective.
It is your contribution that will have the greatest impact. A site that represents the opinions of many, certainly has greater substance and credibility than one person’s individual effort.
Vetting is a process of time and peer review. I can’t effect the former, but you represent the latter.
I’d like to see what you all have to say. I know there is a reservoir of passion behind a lot of those screens, so share if you can.
Please Take this International Poll and we’ll see where we stand.
Click Image to Take Poll
- To View Current Results of Poll Click Here
Thanks to All of You 🙂