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Comparison of the Quantra QPlus System With Thromboelastography in Cardiac Surgery
The Quantra QPlus System significantly correlated with TEG5000, suggesting that this test may be used in a similar clinical context. Despite the strength of correlation between Quantra and TEG parameters, measurements are not interchangeable.
Outcome of Patients Who Refuse Transfusion After Cardiac Surgery: A Natural Experiment With Severe Blood Conservation Outcome of Patients Who Refuse Transfusion
Jehovah's Witness patients (Witnesses) who undergo cardiac surgery provide a unique natural experiment in severe blood conservation because anemia, transfusion, erythropoietin, and antifibrinolytics have attendant risks. Our objective was to compare morbidity and long-term survival of Witnesses undergoing cardiac surgery with a similarly matched group of patients who received transfusions.
Leucocyte Depletion Improves Renal Function During Reperfusion Using An Experimental Isolated Haemoperfused Organ Preservation System
This study aimed to demonstrate the effect of white cells in early renal reperfusion injury using an isolated haemoperfused porcine kidney model.