Perfusion NewswireCircuit Surfers#Perfusion2 Survey Results To Be Released!#Perfusion2 Survey Results To Be Released!Frank AprileCircuit Surfers, Editor’s Note: We hit 248 responses- sure to be more as the results get published. Thank you for hanging in there and stepping up to the plate! Thank you 🙂 Frank
Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Perfusion Zone The Effect of Zero-Balanced Ultrafiltration During Cardiopulmonary Bypass on S100b Release and Cognitive Function Zero-balanced ultrafiltration (ZBUF) might reduce the systemic inflammatory response (SIRS) during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) by removing inflammatory mediators.
Circuit Surfers, Modified Ultrafiltration During Cardiopulmonary Bypass “MUF following separation from extracorporeal circulation (ECC) provides well known advantages in children with improvements in the hemodynamic, pulmonary, coagulation and other […]
Blood Management, Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Perfusion Zone The Relationship between Fibrinogen Levels after Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Large Volume Red Cell Transfusion in Cardiac Surgery: An Observational Study We explored the relationship between post-CPB fibrinogen levels and large volume red cell transfusion.