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Perfusion Notes: [6]

A Student Diary:

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Wet Labs & Simulations

So over the last few weeks I have had a few things on my plate.  I had my first test and did just fine on that.  However, observations have dropped off a little.  I did have the opportunity to observe a Norwood and a Fontan.  It was way different watching the pedi cases where I am because they  use a totally different circuit and different equipment.  I am quickly finding the difference in different equipment and am slowly starting to start creating my thought on my routines and set up preferences for a circuit.  I have been using the simulator with my classmates and I am starting to get used to going on and off pump as well as having to keep an eye on all the different aspects while on.  Obviously we are not trying to simulate an actual surgery, but we practice having the “surgeon” lean on the venous return, accidently clamp the arterial, shout one thing after another all while maintaining volume and watching all the pressures and other aspects.

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I feel like I have leveled off finally and am doing well with the didactics.  I have managed to find the balance of time in the OR, classroom and studying/reading.   I will also say time is flying by.  I found myself in the hospital gift shop the other day and saw Halloween stuff and was just like it isn’t it a little early for that and then realized October is just around the corner.  I guess it is good that time is flying by though and I am learning tons more things with each new day.  Instructors are starting to really be more interactive with us as well in observations now that we have a clue about what is going on and have some basic knowledge on board.

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Putting it Together

I expect everything to pick back up here pretty soon since the didactics are only going to get more difficult.  I think I will be fine handling them, but will require a little more reading and studying.  The funny part is that I can read a topic for hours and the an instructor will put it much more simply and lay it out for us.  They are proving to be a more valuable resource than any text book.  However, I will say some are better teachers than others and on top of that every perfusionist is different in what they do behind the pump.  I am already starting to pull pieces I like from several different perfusionists.  I think that I will be very ready for next semester to roll around and get behind the pump.

I will write another entry in 2 weeks.  I know this one wasn’t too terribly interesting, but it was just one of the time spans where not a whole lot goes on that is worth writing about.  Next one should be much better considering a few things coming up in school.

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