Perfusion Life: The Rocketeer

Is THAT a Jet Pack ? ? ?
Editor’s Note:
Ever watch a count down to a rocket launch and it finally gets to the 10 – 9 – 8 – 7- stage?
And then @ 2 seconds the countdown stops and the launch is CANCELED?
All of a sudden you feel like a popped balloon- after prepping that hard for the launch- but the reasons to cancel outweighed the intended goal or launch target?
Anticlimactic- the mission is officially scrubbed !
Very similar to when an open-heart case cancels. The adrenalin that got you there is sucked into a vortex of all this free time you now have on your hands- and what are you gonna do with that big 5 hour chunk of time that by the grace of all that is holy- was suddenly- preemptively- restored to you?
Well, in a busy OR- I can assure you that people aren’t crying or tearing up with the sense of a supreme opportunity lost…
Rather, they get kinda giddy because the day has suddenly allowed a tiny sliver of sunshine to creep into our otherwise- stress filled grey-scale lives in the dusk of the world we live in- called the Operating Room !
Note the Warrior Stripes tattooed on his right forearm …
Doesn’t mean we don’t like what we do-
Just means we ain’t doing it today !
So in the process of breaking down all the sterile supplies for the case that wasn’t- let me introduce you to my friends Nikki and Marko- who got pretty creative with one of the packing separators from our pump pack- and well… the picture tells the story.
Have a great day 🙂