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Perfusion Life: Our Similarities in Malaysia …



Click on image above to visit Malaysian Pefrusion Group FB page…

Editor’s Note:

I was surfing some Perfusion FB groups, and I came upon the pictures below and a post from a Malaysian perfusionist.

The FB perfusion group is named Malaysian Perfusionist, and it has 95 members.

It is another example of how similar our lives are as perfusionists- regardless of culture or distance …

Space 1

An IABP in Transport in Malaysia


Here was a brief description of what transpired:

“Pt MI-collapse at A&E, coros n echo done on Tuesday-refer for emerg cabg but pt financially cant afford. iabp inserted-after 2days in icu-pt transferred to Penang GH along with iabp. In the middle of way-iab ruptured-blood leaks-stop iabp-resus pt in ambulance-reach GH in 30mins-admitted to Png GH CICU for urgent CABG..Sblm balik pekena line clear,macha line clear amik gmbr ambulans utk tampal kat kedai.,makan foc xpyh bayar…”


The subsequent FB dialogue: Click image to follow or JOIN this conversation 🙂


And Perfusion Life…  Goes On…

Have a great day 🙂

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