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Autologous Platelet Gel in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: Effects on Surgical Wound Healing
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of APG on surgical site infection, post-operative pain, blood loss, and bruising.
Bleeding After Perfusion for Open Heart Surgery. Importance of Unneutralized Heparin and its Proper Correction
An anticoagulant is essential in extracorporeal circulations to maintain the fluidity of the blood and to protect the platelets and plasma-coagulation factors in the pump-oxygenator circuit.
Coronary Revascularization Without Cardiopulmonary Bypass Versus the Conventional Approach in High-Risk Patients
High-risk patients may benefit the most from off-pump CABG. The aim of this study was to compare early and mid-term clinical outcomes after off-pump CABG with on-pump CABG in a subset of high-risk patients.