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Haemoscope TEG® 5000 Hemostasis Analyzer
The TEG® system is comprised of the TEG® analyzer and the TEG® analytical software, which together provide a complete picture of the formation and dissolution of the clot, showing the balance or imbalance of the two systems. Haemoscope's TEG® analyzer is the only hemostasis analyzer available on the market that follows the reliable and proven model developed by Prof. Helmut Hartert in Germany in the 1940's.
Inverted Stress- Induced Cardiomyopathy as a Unusual Variant of Acute Heart Failure after Cesarean Delivery- A Case Report
Stress- induced cardiomyopathy is acute, reversible left ventricle mainly apical dysfunction in patients with normal coronary angiography. In this paper we report a unique case of 36-year old woman after cesarean delivery.
Jehovah’s Witnesses and Cardiac Surgery: A Single Institution’s Experience
This article describes a single institution's experience in perioperative care of Jehovah's Witnesses undergoing cardiac surgery.