Perfusion Glitches: Loss of Vacuum VAVD : Request for Your Opinions

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Event Description:
I recently encountered a problem with vavd, and I was hoping to put it out for discussion.
Has anyone else had this problem, and any suggestions, using a Boehringer labs model 3930 vavd controller? You completed your pre-bypass checklist, your vacuum worked just fine, the supply gauge is showing you do indeed have vacuum. The surgeon says go on bypass, you unclamp your lines, check your line pressure, turn on the vacuum and nothing!
It worked a few moments ago, you turn it on and off, still no vacuum supply. The heart is distended , you turn your flow down, check your supply lines, make sure the vacuum is connected, still no supply! Then magically after connecting and reconnecting the supply lines in the boom a few times the vacuum turns back on!
After the case the lines are inspected, nothing seems to be clogged, the boom seems fine, but yet for a couple of critical moments your vacuum didn’t work! I honestly do not think it has anything to do with the controller, and the problem is with the vacuum supply in the room but I would still like to know if anyone else has encountered this problem using the Boehringer labs vavd and if anyone has any suggestions?
Also we do use a 3/8″ venous line so vavd is used on every case, this problem has occurred twice, once at the beginning of a case and once when we had to go back on bypass. Different vacuum ports were used in each case but the problem occurred in the same room. I appreciate any and all feedback.
Thank you,
How Was The Problem Identified?
Heart was distended due to no vacuum / suction / negative pressure.
What Steps Were Taken ?
- Lines checked and reconnected, no root cause identified,
- Vacuum spontaneously returns on it’s own: Issue Unesolved
What Clues Were Missed?
None: Everything was double and triple checked.
After the case the lines are inspected, nothing seems to be clogged, the boom seems fine, but yet for a couple of critical moments your vacuum didn’t work! I honestly do not think it has anything to do with the controller, and the problem is with the vacuum supply in the room but I would still like to know if anyone else has encountered this problem using the Boehringer labs vavd and if anyone has any suggestions?
- No issues.
Kevin K
“More than likely a defective/clogged outlet. Was the unit re-connected to a different outlet, or did disconnecting and reconnecting to the same outlet enable function? Some fitting types can have a condition where the device is only partially connected and you will not have the full flow of the outlet. What type of supply fittings are used in he OR?
NFPA99 Mandates the performance of hospital suction inlets (NFPA 99 If is quite common to have static pressure, but no effective flow. Picture a pinhole sized orifice in an otherwise clogged suction inlet. In a static (occluded) condition you will have vacuum, when you put a demand on the system you quickly drain all of the available suction supply. In the pre-check of the 3930 we ask the WAGD flowmeter be turned all of the way up (step 2) while the supply suction gauge is evaluated. This will be a quick check as to the performance of an outlet or connection.
To quickly assess the compliance of the outlet to NFPA99 standard we have a portable test tool that checks not only static pressure but also airflow, to ensure both requirements of the standard are met. While this tool is mainly intended for BioMed/Facilities we do have a perfusion group that owns one for their own piece of mind.
Boehringer is a US Manufacturer that is committed to supporting this market. You can pick up the phone today and have one of our design engineers on the phone to answer any questions. More than 100 facilities have these units installed with excellent results. I am likewise happy to offer up my cell phone to anyone that needs answers quickly.”
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(Click Image to View Summary of Glitches)