Perfusion Discussions, Vetting, & Polls.

I put a poll out the other day to get a genuine idea of what people are looking for in Perfusion sites.
The results were very promising for all of us, and some of the details will lead to some interesting discussions. Perflist reflects very well in the opinions of many.
I plan to publish the results when I get to 150 or so responses.
Now what surprised me was the visceral anger by a couple of the respondents, who are annonymous, because that is the nature of the poll.
It was a comment like this…
“The Internet is a vast space- there is no need for you to keep seeking Perflist/ sponsorship- it won’t happen!
Do your thing but stay off the main road!!!“
And I think it exemplifies the poorest manner of dialogue that so many readers have been exposed to when asserting their position when involved in a discussion on this forum, as well as others.
It was the anger here that surprised me. It did validate why I do this. But it surprised me.
Circuit Surfers is NOT in a competition to the well recognized icons of perfusion dialogue that are out there Perfllist,
Both have been immeasurably beneficial to the Perfusion community as a whole.
Circuit Surfers is it’s own entity as are the above mentioned sites. It’s on the same highway as well. The Information Highway.
If it makes you feel better- it’s just a stupid little blog- that has some cool graphics. A perfusion comic book if you want to see it as such.
The person that wrote this doesn’t hate me- or at least I hope they don’t.
I believe they hate change, and anything new that enters in the periphery of their perspective.
To me that is a fatal flaw, a perfusionist afraid of change.
But– it is an excellent entry point for discussions that I would like to get into.
- The entire process of vetting information available on the internet.
- When are citations legitimate
- Is Wikipedia a citable source?
- For that matter is Google really something you trust?
- Is any of the stuff you get worthy of trust- or do you need to see a hard copy of the actual article before it merits referencing?
- How do you really ever know?
You guys answered a lot of those questions in the surveys, and they did open my eyes a bit.
I’ll get into it when I publish the results… It was definitely a worthwhile survey.
I still need more responses- am at 85 now. So if you would, please click the link below to take the Poll?
Thanks a bunch 🙂
Please Take this International Poll and we’ll see where we stand.
Click Image to Take Poll
- To View Current Results of Poll Click Here