Perfusion China: Part IV: An Interview with Anna lou Villena

“Chinese medical professionals are actually interested to enhance their skills and specialization with the help of foreign doctors/professionals.”
Anna lou Villena of the Republic of the Philippines- Working in China
To view the ENTIRE interview series- click here …
Editor’s Note:
Thanks for coming back to the 4th and final part of an exceptional interview with Anna Lou Villena, a Philippine national, working as a Perfusionist in China.
Anna Lou asks a few questions at the end of the interview that i would like your help in answering. 🙂
So let’s continue with the conclusion of the interview…
The Asian Equation – Anna Lou Villena
What would be your goals for International Perfusion communication ?
For now, the only explicit plan I have in mind is to get involved in this forum. Since you already started it and I understand your vision, so I think I have to support this website by making it known to other counterparts, sharing new and memorable experiences in maneuvering the pump and inspire aspiring perfusionist in one way or another.
What are your plans as a Perfusionist in China ?
I should say I am planning and hoping to visit Beijing especially in Fu Wai hospital because one of colleagues was trained there and I learned from her that they also do heart transplant in that biggest cardiac center in China.
When In China …
Remarkable at how similar our cultures have become:)
Click pictures to enlarge-
Is preventive medicine more prevalent in Asia than in the West ?
In my opinion, the prevalence of preventive medicine depends on the countries’ economical stability and governance because this solely rely on the implementation of rules on how to prevent diseases by the government’s support on the availability of vaccines for immunizations, proper dissemination on healthy practices like for instance breast feeding, hand washing and even prohibition on smoking and alcoholic beverages.
Based on my experiences in these 3 different countries, some patients only seek medical help if their heart problem is already severe since annual check-ups and early symptoms are just being ignored due to financial incapacity.
Is communication between Chinese medical professionals and medical professionals outside of China censored or prohibited? If not- I would be very interested in how to open a dialogue with our Chinese / Korean counterparts.
Definitely not prohibited in China!
Maybe there is only a problem in communication skills, otherwise Chinese medical professionals are actually interested to enhance their skills and specialization with the help of foreign doctors/professionals.
In fact, citing an example in Jilin Heart Hospital, we will be pioneering an Academy Spring Workshop from April 19-21,2013 to be participated by doctors coming from Germany, Austria and Chicago.
Discussing topics ranging from modern concepts in vascular surgery, advanced international concepts in pediatric surgery and introducing the transcatheter aortic-valve implantation. I should say that this would be a breakthrough for the healthcare in the Northeast part of China.
Do you have any questions for me?
Just want to ask an advice from you Frank on what could be the best possible way for me in order to acquire certification or become a member of a recognized perfusion organization?
I really wanted to join international convention for perfusion if there are any plans for this year.
Just curious, is Calafiore cardioplegia solution also used in the US?
What cardioplegia solutions would you best recommend for pediatric patients?
I want to ask your set up for MUF especially for pedia so that I could compare and decide which is the best to be adopted.
Lastly, would it be possible to post a video in this website an actual ECMO procedure (from priming to initiation) as well as VAD procedures ?