Perfusion Art: “The Oscillator”

“The Oscillator” ________Click image to enlarge
Photographer: Valerio Speciale
Equipment: BlackBerry Pearl 9110
Editing: None
Narrative: Median Sternotomy using an oscillating saw, patient with aortic bioprosthesis that has developed an aortic ascending aneurysm.
Time & Place: 2012/5/6 in “Clinica S. Michele” MADDALONI (CE) near Naples
About The Artist:
Valerio Speciale (Photographer & Perfusionist)
Click to Donate
Any Donations are for the cost and development of an International Perfusion Art Gallery, Framing, Printing, Matting, and Expenses associated with delivering the Gallery to future Perfusion Conferences.
A project of this nature hasn’t been tried before, but it would be a lot of fun to see something like this at a perfusion conference, as an effort to improve and develop our international awareness as well as appreciate some very dynamic art !
Anything helps- $10 -$25 or whatever- It will all add up…
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- email: [email protected]