Perfusion Art: “Next…?”

Perfusion Art: “NEXT…? ”
Photographer: Frank Aprile, CCP, BBA, LP
Equipment: I Phone 8+
Editing: Photoshop
Narrative: Waiting for the Next ECMO… I write about theses things because it takes it’s toll on everyone- We are outcome driven when it comes to advanced medical care and resuscitation- we truly are the cream of the crop and the Tips of Spears in terms of primary critical medical intervention. We are the best of the best. ALL of us here are used to winning -So failure or losing- those concepts are NOT in our vocabulary!
Point Being? We WILL get through this.
Time & Place: 2022- Daniel Boone Country
About The Artist: CCP
Commentary: These days it is rare to see Empty ICU beds- COVID is a Beast- But Nature is Slowly Inoculating Us… There is no question that the Human toll in America alone is probably twice as many as currently counted- The undiagnosed, those that needed medical care for other conditions- but could not be helped. God Bless those that have perished– and the loved ones they left behind that suffer as tragically-