Perfusion Art: “LVAD 1”

“LVAD 1” _________________________________ Click Image to Enlarge
Submitted By: Michael-Joshua Morris: Heart Mate II Recipient
Artist: Michael-Joshua Morris
Equipment: a cruddy mobile phone camera
Editing: Hue & Contrast: Cropping: Lens Flare with Accent
Narrative: Not worried… Just pensive or perhaps perplexed that A friend didnt get the recognition she deserved from her online peers… This photo was taken while listening to a song that the stated friend enjoyed when i played it for her… Photo was in the dark, in the car…. With a cruddy mobile phone camera… Hopefully this gave the jaundice effect :-). But I will check it out with docs… Thanks Brother. Thanks
Time & Place: 2012
About Joshua:
Joshua is a 2 year HeartMate II Recipient with a recent hardware swap. He has done immeasurable work to educate the public on LVAD’s as well as support and encourage patients just starting down that particular road. Here is a link to his amazing work…
Click Here to Visit Joshua’s Website
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