Perfusion NewswireCircuit SurfersPerfusion Art: “Communion”Perfusion Art: “Communion”Frank AprileCircuit Surfers, Perfusion Art “Communion” Photographer: Frank Aprile. BBA, LP, CCP Equipment: I-phone 6s PLUS Editing: Photoshop Narrative: Like a gathering of souls- focused on one thing… The patient 🙂 Time & Place: Iowa, Spring 2016 About The Artist: Locums’ Perfusionist.
Biologics Zone, Perfusion Zone, Tiny Perfusion Letter Protamine Protamine is an FDA-approved drug for use in neutralizing the effect of unfractionated heparin.
Blood Management, Main Zone, Perfusion Zone Cold Agglutinin-Induced Hemolytic Anemia as the Primary Presentation in SLE – A Case Report Abstract Cold agglutinin-induced hemolytic anemia as the primary presentation in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is extremely rare. Only few cases have been reported […]
Main Zone, Mobile Zone, Perfusion Zone Use of Administrative Data for Surgical Site Infection Surveillance after Congenital Cardiac Surgery Results in Inaccurate Reporting of Surgical Site Infection Rates The NHSN CARD surveillance guidelines for SSI fail to identify all pediatric cardiac surgical procedures.