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Extracorporeal Life Support After Cardiac Surgery in Children: Outcomes From a Single Institution
Extracorporeal life support (ECLS) is used after congenital heart surgery for several indications, including failure to separate from cardiopulmonary bypass, postoperative low cardiac output syndrome, and extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Here, we assessed the outcomes of ECLS in children after cardiac surgery at our institution.
Watershed Phenomena during Extracorporeal Life Support and their Clinical Impact: a Systematic In Vitro Investigation
Using an in vitro mock circulation loop, we systematically investigated the impact of heart failure, extracorporeal support, and cannulation routes on the formation of flow phenomena and flow distribution in the arterial tree.
Comparative Experimental Study of Myocardial Protection with Crystalloid Solutions for Heart Transplantation
The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy of myocardial protection solution using both intracellular and extracellular crystalloid type regarding the performance of the electrical conduction system, left ventricular contractility and edema, after being subjected to ischemic arrest and reperfusion.