Percutaneous AVR

Editor’s Note:
I saw an interesting image of an aortic stent on the SUNY FB page, and followed their link to the source. I think the images and concept are perfusion-review worthy, so I thought I would bring it to you and see what you think.
Aortic Valve Replacement Module
Provides comprehensive practice on endovascular implantation of an aortic valve bioprosthesis. The practiced steps include navigating through the aortic arch and crossing the LV, using fluoroscopy and cineangiography to find the best angulation for visualizing the aortic valve annulus, pressure gradient measurements, aortic balloon valvuloplasty including rapid pacing and accurately positioning and deploying an aortic valve bioprosthesis.
Complications include LV perforation. Virtual patients vary in heart orientations, annulus sizes, degrees of valve calcification and LV hypertrophy.
The Procedure:
Beginning of frame deployment
Frame 2/3 deployed
Frame fully deployed
Pressure gradient
You Tube Video