Pediatric Perfusionist Needed

Santiago, Dominican Republic :
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
International Children’s Heart Foundation, a non-profit 501(C)3 charity based in Memphis, Tennessee that provides cardiac surgery for children around the world, is in urgent need of a pediatric perfusionist to participate on a mission to:
- Santiago, Dominican Republic on September 24 – October 8
Click Image to View Santiago…
- Tegucigalpa,Honduras on October 8 -22.
Click Image to View Tegucigalpa
* All airfare and accommodations will be paid for by ICHF.
International Children’s Heart Foundation
Click to View our Website…
Frank, I asked Jean our Program assistant to post under comments need for the position( perfusion).
We are in need for perfusionist for Santiago, Dominican Republic trip from Sept. 24 – Oct. 8 and for Tegucigalpa, Honduras from Oct. 8 – 22.
We usually ask our volunteers to come for two full weeks as long the trip is , but in short notices like this one we can take perfusionist for one week trip only, I just need then 2.
The International Children’s Heart Foundation is a non profit charity dedicated to provide life saving surgeries to children around the world and at the same time provide the education to local staff so that one day they can perform on their own.
We are doing 40 – 50 trips per year, basically every month we have two to three trips.
For all our trips I need perfusionist with at least three years of experience.
I looked at the mission checklist but not completely,but maybe tomorrow we can talk over the phone and you can guide us through website if necessary.
We are also in need for anesthesia docs for our missions to both of these places.
Also forgot to mention, the ICHF is going to cover all trip expenses including airline ticket and hotel accommodation.
Volunteers interested to help us out need to contact me or Jean at;
[email protected]
[email protected]
Thank you Frank, let me know if you have any questions.
Please send resume and availability to [email protected]