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Does Standardizing Extracorporeal Circuit Design for Cardiopulmonary Bypass Affect Outcomes? Results from a National Perfusion Registry
Although small changes in the net prime volume and transfusion rates were seen with the standardization of ECCs, the primary benefit of this initiative was the increased familiarity and continuity of circuit design across sites.
Modular Minimally Invasive Extracorporeal Circulation Ensures Perfusion Safety and Technical Feasibility in Cardiac Surgery; A Systematic Review of the Literature
Use of modular MiECC secures safety and ensures technical feasibility in all cardiac surgical procedures. It represents a type III active closed system, while its stand-by component is reserved for a small (<5%) proportion of procedures and for a partial procedural time. Thus, it eliminates any safety concern regarding air handling and volume management, while it overcomes any unexpected intraoperative scenario.
Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgical Procedures in Children
In this summary we will review the approaches that have been described and comment on the evidence that they achieve the desired goal of minimizing the trauma of the surgical procedure and enhancing recovery.