Pediatric Hearts in Iraq

Click to View Site and Read this Story…
Got a quick note from my friend Brian Forsberg, and I followed the link which led me to the story I am highlighting above.
I contacted the authors of this blog, because I liked what I saw, I liked the effort, and I especially was touched by the lack of demonstrated political agenda, or prejudice.
It takes a good heart and a brave heart, to go help fix a heart in Iraq. That is in my opinion a combination of courage and compassion and I applaud what so far- I have not been able to be a part of.
So kudos to y’all over there across the sea and desert. Way to go Brian !
Take a second to drop by this site. Preemptive Love Coalition seems like the best coalition of effort I have seen in the Middle East for a considerable amount of time.
The Mission
“Preemptive Love Coalition provides lifesaving heart surgeries for Iraqi kids in pursuit of peace between communities at odds.
We offer the 30,000 Iraqi children suffering from life-threatening heart defects a chance at the surgery they need to save their lives.
With our world-class international surgical partners we create long-term solutions by training local Iraqi doctors and nurses so they can sustainably save lives without our help.”
Stay Happy Guys …___ 🙂