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Characteristics, Treatment, Outcomes and Cause of Death of Invasively Ventilated Patients with COVID-19 ARDS in Milan, Italy
Despite multiple advanced critical care interventions, COVID-19 ARDS was associated with prolonged ventilation and high short term mortality. Older age and pre-admission hypertension were key mortality risk factors.
Cardiothoracic Surgery During COVID-19: Our Experience with Different Strategies
All asymptomatic patients should be tested for COVID-19 using RT-PCR prior to cardio-thoracic surgeries not only to contain the disease but to avoid potential implications of COVID-19 on the perioperative course, without added financial implications.
Perfusion Job Shadow Wanted: Washington DC Area
Editor’s Note: Hey Maryland perfusion colleagues, this young man is looking for a job shadow opportunity. Can You give him a hand? Hello […]