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Impact of MELD Score and Cardiopulmonary Bypass Duration on Post-operative Hypoxic Hepatitis in Patients With Liver Cirrhosis Undergoing Open Heart Surgery
The outcome of open-heart surgery for patients with liver cirrhosis (LC) varies widely, indicating multifactorial influences on liver injury after cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB).
Acid-Base Effects of a Bicarbonate-Balanced Priming Fluid During Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Comparison With Plasma-Lyte 148. A Randomised Single-Blinded Study
In an attempt to prevent this disturbance, we designed a bicarbonate-based crystalloid circuit prime balanced on physico-chemical principles with a strong ion difference of 24 mEq/l and compared its acid-base effects with those of Plasma-Lyte 148, a multiple electrolyte replacement solution containing acetate plus gluconate totalling 50 mEq/l.
Rationale and Design of the Steroids to Reduce Systemic Inflammation after Infant Heart Surgery (STRESS) Trial
The pragmatic “trial within a registry” design may provide a mechanism for conducting low cost, high efficiency trials in a heretofore-understudied patient population.