Outcomes of End-Organ Function and Survival with Veno-Arterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation.

Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) is a temporary therapy option for refractory cardiac or respiratory failure. Preliminary study suggests that ECMO aids in the recovery of end-organ function by maintaining systemic perfusion.
A retrospective IRB approved database research and chart review was performed on patients initiated on veno-arterial (VA-) ECMO between September 2010 and April 2019. End-organ injury markers were compared between the pre-ECMO period, defined as markers recorded before ECMO initiation, and the pre-decannulation period, defined as markers prior to ECMO decannulation. Data was expressed with mean ± standard deviation, or median [quartile 1, quartile 3] and compared between Pre-ECMO and per-decannulation period.
Among the 159 VA-ECMO patients, 100 patients (63%) survived ECMO with mean ECMO duration 10 ± 7 days. Within the survival group, 78 patients (49%) weaned to recovery, and 22 patients (14%) weaned off to durable implantable devices. Compared to the pre-ECMO period, the pre-decannulation period significantly improved in pH (7.23 ± 0.19 vs. 7.40 ± 0.09; p < 0.001) and lactate (5.5 [2.3, 9.0] vs. 1.6 [0.9, 2.3]; p < 0.001), and serum creatinine (1.4 [1.1, 2.1] vs. 1.1 [0.8, 1.7]; p < 0.001). Significant changes were noted in ventilation parameters as well, such as FiO2 (100 [100, 100] vs. 50 [50, 50]; p < 0.001), PaO2 (88 [62, 135], 126 [87, 162]; p < 0.001) and PEEP (8.0 [5.0, 12.0] vs. 5.0 [5.0, 8.0]; p < 0.001).
Maintaining perfusion with VA-ECMO utilization on indicated patients demonstrated improvements in end-organ functions. Survival rates of VA-ECMO patients were also optimistic.