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Restenosis Rate With Drug-eluting Stents Less Than 10 Percent
The longest term data yet available on the sirolimus-eluting stent (Cypher, Johnson and Johnson) shows that it has an event-free survival rate […]
Attachment of Periodontal Fibroblasts to Barrier Membranes Coated With Platelet-Rich Plasma
This study evaluated the attachment of human periodontal ligament (HPDL) and human gingival (HG) fibroblasts onto commercially available barrier membranes coated with platelet-rich plasma (PRP).
Controlling Reperfusion Injury With Controlled Reperfusion: Historical Perspectives and New Paradigms
This review article first provides a basic overview of the primary pathways to cell death that have the potential to be addressed by various forms of controlled reperfusion, including no-reflow phenomenon, ion imbalances (particularly calcium overload), and oxidative stress. Descriptions of various controlled reperfusion approaches are described, along with summaries of both mechanistic and outcome-oriented studies at the pre-clinical and clinical phases.