Offering: Perfusion Group- QA / P&P Development…

Do You Need A Vibrant- Interactive- Internet Presence ?
- A Corporate Website
- A Searchable Online Policy & Procedure Database
- An On-Line QA / Demographic database
- A Staff Credentialing Database
- A Face Book Presence
- A Twitter Presence
Do YOU NEED an Interactive On-Line QA / Policy & Procedure Site ?
If you are interested in developing a corporate web presence for your perfusion group, or wish to develop an online QA program please contact:
Some Things to IMPROVE Your Practice …
Click Image above to see an example of a Perfusion QA Website developed by:
When is a Policy or Procedure Recommendation Welcomed the Most?
- When you need it immediately
- Which implies an emergency or unexpected clinical event
- Which further suggests that a potential threat to the welfare of a patient is imminent or at hand.
Nobody carries a Copy of their Departmental P&P Manual in Surgery.
- It’s always in somebody’s desk somewhere.
- But we all carry iphones, or smartphones with wireless internet access.
- Our address is www. [Your Perfusion Group]
- Dial it up to improve your practice…
What are the Advantages for the Clinician to have an Online P&P Resource ?
- A Quantum Leap from Established Paradigms…
- It’s as small and light as your cell phone
- 24/7 access
- Available in the Operation Room while on- or preparing to go on Bypass
- Searches instantaneously
- It is Peer Reviewed & Vetted Material
- No size restrictions
- May have the information you need to help save a life.
What are the Advantages for the Client Hospital to have an Online P&P Resource?
- A Quantum Leap from Established Paradigms…
- 24/7 Access
- Increased use, visibility, and availability
- A significant step towards healthcare mandates to streamline and digitalize Medical data and information processes.
- Staff Readiness / Compliance Assessment
- Ability to make a comment or suggestion regarding a specific Policy or Procedure
- Simple Sign Off / Authorization Process
- Instant Review of ongoing Clinical Practice (Perfusion Performance Indicators entered after every case).
- Immediate and direct communication regarding issues as they come up (all comments are immediately forwarded to the CQI/Database Admin.)