New Hire Mentoring? Cloning Vs Orientation
Editor’s Note:
This topic keeps rendering it’s head on a case by case basis- and has emerged as an oddly unanticipated issue that we as a community are dealing with more often now then in previous decades/student generations. The question before us is as follows: Are students being adequately prepared for entry into a full-on clinical set of responsibilities when entering the job market; are they mature enough to handle the duress and responsibility our field requires; can they adopt; can they stand on their own two feet; are they too “YOUNG” clinically and in terms of personal maturity- are they capable of absorbing the responsibility for life or death decisions prerequisite to our field of endeavor?
I personally have been pretty pissed off at some of the things I have seen coming out of Perfusion Programs in the past few years. When an institution graduates a student, confers on them the title of Clinical Perfusionist, suggests they are board eligible, and releases them to our patient population ostensibly vetting them as being competent, well that is all roses until you scrutinize your new hire, with the glossy degree and realize that there is no way they should be left alone with a patient on bypass- not only in the near term- but certainly the tenuous road that goes longer term. There are some institutions that do a very capable job of preparing their perfusionists, there are others, one unnamed- that I have an issue with because the ultimate responsibility requires instructors to actually show up and teach instead of taking a week off now and then because they aren’t in the mood- or cant get it together to actually perform their jobs.
We end up picking up that slack. BUT– PATIENTS END UP ABSORBING THE RISK… The missed time in the classroom or clinical rotation is incalculable of the futures of so many- including the career of the neglected graduating student. We take what should have been a completely (albeit- a little nervous) prepared new graduate under our wings to make sure they succeed- because the price of failure is either a human life, the credibility of a heart program, the career of a young perfusionist, and the impact that implies on so many that depend on the success of each and EVERY OPERATION.
Here is a pretty good rendition on what Mentors should be doing- IN SCHOOL- Not in a new hire situation- Click the Image below to see Old School Training– IT WORKED (at least for me).
Thank you Paul for putting this into a proper and well thought our perspective.
“Let’s not over think this.
While a good orientation program is needed I do not think we need anything beyond that.
I have started 5 new jobs since graduating in 1980 with orientations from one week to three months. Never did I feel ill prepared to take on the cases alone.
It is important to have a good team approach so as to answer any questions that may come up.”
Paul DiGregorio
Tampa Sent from my iPhone
In response to:
> On Jul 2, 2018, at 5:07 PM, Perfmail <[email protected]> wrote:
> Fellow Colleagues,
> I do believe that mentoring in healthcare for a new staff is extremely important especially in our perfusion profession. Due to the fact of low staff resources in perfusion community, it makes the planned mentoring for the new coming perfusionist a crucial process, whether you are a new graduate perfusionist or experienced perfusionist joining a new team or a staff perfusionist that assigned a leadership role. I am currently working on developing a planned mentorship program at my institution and would appreciate any feedback regarding that topic.
> -Do you have a planned mentorship program at your institution for new perfusionists?
> -As an experienced perfusionist joining a new team, would you prefer Mentor/mentee partnership or peer partnership? And why?
> -As a new graduate perfusionist joining a new team, would you prefer the mentorship program to focus on clinical tasks of your job or non-clinical/ quality tasks? and why?
> Mohammed Adel Mohammed ,M.B,Ch.B,CCP
> SpecialtyCare inc.,
> Thank you!
Reader Responses:
New Hire Mentoring? Cloning Vs Orientation
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Who and what?
The term mentor is defined as “a wise and trusted counselor or teacher.”1Mentoring is the process by which an experienced person provides guidance, support, and encouragement to a less experienced person. Such relationships are based on consideration, camaraderie, commonality, and confidentiality.2–5
How does mentorship operate?
Mentorship operates under different models, which suit different purposes and change with time and need2–7:
Apprenticeship model. Usually there is a hierarchy of professional positions and the trainee is mentored and taught by a more experienced professional. This model is less personal than other models; it is within the professional relationship that mentees learn from mentors.
Cloning model. The cloning model is based on role modeling—the mentor is planning succession and the mentee is groomed into the role.
Nurturing model. The nurturing model creates a safe, open environment in which mentees can discuss personal issues, learn, and try things for themselves, with their mentors acting as resources and facilitators.
Friendship model. The friendship model occurs when mentors and mentees are close to or at the same professional level; rather than being involved in a hierarchical relationship, they are peers.
In any model, the mentee and mentor can work out the details and decide how much time and energy they are willing to invest in the relationship. However, if it is a formal apprenticeship model or cloning model then they should stick to the prescribed formula to avoid jeopardizing the goal of the mentorship program.5,7–9
Is long-distance mentoring effective?
Although it is easier to have the mentee and the mentor in the same geographic location, long-distance mentoring can work well, especially if the mentee plans on going to the mentor’s institution as a staff physician or for further training. Long-distance mentoring also makes sense if both physicians’ educational or research interests match.
Benefits of mentoring
As a mentor, you will gain a number of benefits: the personal satisfaction of knowing that you have helped someone else; professional development, including as a mentor; increased commitment to your field and profession; opportunities for self-reflection and self-renewal; and appreciation of a new perspective.2,4,5
As a mentee, you will experience the following: increased confidence in your personal and professional successes; an increased desire to pursue a career in a field of interest; networking opportunities; career coaching and support; and research guidance.4,5,7–9
Initiation and management
Mentoring relationships need some help. Many institutions are addressing this by formalizing the process and assigning mentors for residents and junior faculty, although it is up to the mentees to find someone they respect and trust to help them reach their objectives. However, both formal and informal mentoring are effective. Once the partnership is underway, both partners must work to sustain the relationship and help it flourish or end it if it is not working.5,7–9
Many have more than 1 mentor at a time to accommodate different needs or purposes. Most students’ mentors are staff physicians, peers, relatives, or family friends.8 Look for mentors with specific characteristics that fit your purpose.10Apart from academic or professional rank, factors such as sex, age, race, religion, and marital status are often also taken into account when choosing mentors.
Many mentors have mentors and mentees. So be a mentor and get a mentor!